The Sites Reservoir Project is an environmentally beneficial, off-river reservoir that will capture excess water from major storms and save it for drier periods, helping California’s farms, businesses and cities continue to supply reliable water when other sources are low. It will be situated on the west side of the Sacramento Valley, approximately 10 miles west of Maxwell, California, in Glenn and Colusa Counties.
When operated in coordination with other Northern California reservoirs such as Shasta, Oroville, and Folsom; which function as the backbone to both the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project; Sites Reservoir will greatly increase flexibility, reliability and resiliency of statewide water supplies in drier periods.
The Sites Reservoir recently made a big shift in the direction of the project to be more affordable, permittable, and buildable within the next decade. In this online presentation, you will learn about the value engineering undertaken to make this transition and the unique structure of the Project involving 9 Sacramento Valley local governing agencies, 21 local water agency investors from across the State, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the State of California through its Prop 1 conditional award. The presentation will describe the evaluation of Project feasibility to support funding through the Prop 1 process.

The ASCE Capital Branch will have two presenters for this unique event:

Jerry Brown P.E. is the Sites Executive Director. He has 34 years of experience including planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of water, wastewater and water recycling systems for urban areas. He started Waterology Consulting in January 2020. In March 2020, Mr. Brown and Waterology were selected to perform Executive Director services for the Sites Reservoir Project. In this capacity, Mr. Brown serves in the lead role overseeing project development and he reports to the Sites Authority JPA Board of Directors and its Project Reservoir Committee. Previously, Mr. Brown served as General Manager of the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) for 9 1/2 years through December 2019.

Jeff Herrin is a Senior Water Resources Planner for AECOM in Sacramento. Mr. Herrin supported the Bureau of Reclamation’s feasibility study for Sites Reservoir and the application for Water Storage Investment Program funding from the Sites Authority. He has also supported the evaluation of fish screens for the Lake Nacimiento/Lake San Antonio intertie, the Department of Water Resources Emergency Levee Repair Program, and conceptual engineering for the Delta Habitat Conservation and Conveyance Program.