The presentation on August 24, 2021, provided a brief history and status update on the 34-mile Capital Southeast Connector Project. This new roadway will create a faster, safer, and more efficient way for people to travel within the Sacramento region by providing a direct link between Elk Grove and El Dorado Hills that bypasses Sacramento.
The first phase includes construction of four continuous lanes from Interstate 5 and Highway 99 in Elk Grove to the new Silva Valley interchange at Highway 50 in El Dorado Hills, expanded at-grade intersections at all major access points, and a continuous path for pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians.
The Capital Southeast Connector Joint Powers Authority (“Connector JPA”) was formed in December 2006 and includes the cities of Elk Grove, Folsom and Rancho Cordova, and El Dorado and Sacramento Counties. Project goals include:
- Relieving traffic congestion
- Driving economic development
- Preserving our region’s open space
- Improving roadway safety and regional security

Matt Lampa is a Principal Civil Engineer with the Capital Southeast Connector Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and serves as project manager for the 34-mile Connector project. He oversees various aspects of the project delivery, from planning, environmental clearance and permitting, right of way, and final design to prepare the project for construction.
Prior to joining the JPA in 2018, Mr. Lampa spent his career with various engineering firms in the Sacramento area, delivering local agency transportation projects throughout Northern California.
Mr. Lampa holds a bachelor’s of science degree in civil engineering from California State University Sacramento, and is a California licensed civil engineer.
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